wow, einmal per Anzeige Umzugshelfer suchen...und meine Mailbox quillt über gut so
will nach Hause...
Beiträge von Jada84
Seventeen-year-old Jenna Fox has just awoken from a year-long coma—so she’s been told—and she is still recovering from the terrible accident that caused it. But what happened before that? She’s been given home movies chronicling her entire life, which spark memories to surface. But are the memories really hers? And why won’t anyone in her family talk about the accident? Jenna is becoming more curious. But she is also afraid of what she might find out if she ever gets up the courage to ask her questions. What happened to Jenna Fox? And who is she really?
Hab eben die Rezension gelesen...und schon hatte ich es bestellt
Ihr habt mich mal wieder überzeugt - ich habs eben bestellt
Also ich kann an den Wochenenden bisher immer, Freitags arbeite ich
Ach, ich würd mich so freuen wenn ich euch mal kennenlernen könnte!! -
This debut novel from memoirist Chase (The Hurry-up Song) begins with the capture and wounding by a SWAT team of the eponymous, sentient teddy bear in a backwoods cabin; the team thinks it has captured a mad bomber. In jail, Winkie, who no one denies is a teddy bear, must contend with cruel jailers; his stuttering, court-appointed lawyer named Unwin; the 9,678 counts of everything from treason to witchcraft he's charged with; and the intersection of his life with that of the previous possessor of the cabin, an old humanities professor whose bombs never worked. While marking time, Winkie contemplates his past: his ownership by the Chase family, his loneliness when on a shelf , his magical awakening to life one morning—marked by a bowel movement so lovingly described that it recalls Bloom's in Ulysses. The sections devoted to Winkie's trial is a minor masterpiece of ridiculousness, in which the prosecution's move to end the trial after it has presented its side sounds uncomfortably close to what we read in the newspapers. This book is way too odd to be sentimental, and its political sensibility shuttles easily between the cartoonish and the shrewd.
ich hoffe mein Umzug klappt ohne Probleme.
Jeansrock, schwarzes Tshirt, weiße FlipFlops. Und noch ne Fleecejacke drüber, mir ist kalt
Ellie Jerome is a young-at-heart seventy-five-year-old who feels she has more in common with her twenty-nine-year-old granddaughter, Lucy, than her fifty-five-year-old daughter, Barbara. Ellie’s done everything she can to stay young, and the last thing she wants is to celebrate another birthday. So when she finds herself confronted with a cake full of candles, Ellie wishes more than anything that she could be twenty-nine again, just for one day. But who expects a wish like that to come true?
War nicht so meins, zu kitschig und vorhersehbar. Die letzten paar Seiten hab ich nur noch überflogen, meine Mutter hats ganz abgebrochen (aber noch bevor sie halb durch war)
- ist Freitag und morgen werde ich von meinen Eltern zum Essen eingeladen Wochenende!!
Oh wie schade ich wohne erst ab Juli in Hamburg...aber wenn iihr euch mal wieder treffen wollt...
ist das nervig hier. 3 Wochen
A beautiful and compelling, but clearly unhinged, sculptress of gargoyles by the name of Marianne Engel appears at the foot of his bed and insists that they were once lovers in medieval Germany. In her telling, he was a badly injured mercenary and she was a nun and scribe in the famed monastery of Engelthal who nursed him back to health. As she spins their tale in Scheherazade fashion and relates equally mesmerizing stories of deathless love in Japan, Iceland, Italy, and England, he finds himself drawn back to life—and, finally, in love. He is released into Marianne's care and takes up residence in her huge stone house. But all is not well. For one thing, the pull of his past sins becomes ever more powerful as the morphine he is prescribed becomes ever more addictive. For another, Marianne receives word from God that she has only twenty-seven sculptures left to complete—and her time on earth will be finished.
Blaues Tshirt, Jeans (hell), Ballerinas und Haare ausnahmsweise offen.
Bauchschmerzen mal wieder.
...mir ist langweilig. Noch 2h (und Pause...)
...mein Chef nervt grad extremst. Bin echt froh dass ich in weniger als nem Monat hier raus bin...finally
ich mach bald (naja in 45min Feierabend) und dann besucht mich die Zensus Umfragedame....nervig aber da kann sie ja nix dafür. Hab extra Kekse gebacken, vielleicht hat sie Hunger
In Wild Swans Jung Chang recounts the evocative, unsettling, and insistently gripping story of how three generations of women in her family fared in the political maelstrom of China during the 20th century.