ZitatI wonder - is this a euphemism for "probably gay"?? Or am I just too narrow-minded that way?
me too.
edit: hey mary, it isn't fair to edit while I 'm writing and going to quote your post about the excellent women
ZitatI wonder - is this a euphemism for "probably gay"?? Or am I just too narrow-minded that way?
me too.
edit: hey mary, it isn't fair to edit while I 'm writing and going to quote your post about the excellent women
Das hat mit Faulheit nichts zu tun. Jeder nicht geschriebene Buchstabe ist ein plus auf dem Lesezeitkonto.
Zitat"Excellent women" - I'm still not sure what it's meant to mean.
i found this:
Zitat'Be Excellent to Each Other'' (...)
In essence, it means treat each other fairly and as you want to be treated.
a little off topic?
some nightly brainstorming at half past two:
The book is like a few days of my life, when all and nothing special happened. I did my job, did someone a favour (or two), meet friends who just got a new baby. Wondering how one would feel in this new business, wondering wheter or not I'm jealous of...
In the dark hours of some sleepless nights I watched shopping-tv, wondering who would buy all those sh.. things.
It's my life but I sometimes couldn't recognize it/me at all. I don't want a baby or someone other's life, nevertheless the apples in my neighbour's garden are always sweeter than mine
I'm afraid I'm unable to describe my thoughts clearly so they don't fit at all
ZitatYou mean what made me think of "The Ghost and Mrs Muir"? No idea, I guess it was the naval officer with his Victoriana and snowstorms...
...and the parrot in the cage, I see.
Christina Rosetti was indeed a real poet. I found some poems, her biographie, ...
I'm sure we're going to read more Rosetti-quotes during the book.
edit: more secondary literature about "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir":
BBC and epguides (what a lovely picture)
I don't really know the series which was shown at 1970, but I suppose I've seen the original movie from 1947.
Why did you thought at, Mary?
So you've just destroyed my hopes, Mary.
[size=7]I've seen Rocky and Julian as lovers.[/size]
Anyway, thanks for the explication.
Batcat :
Normally some unknown words don't mind me.
But sometimes it will do better to look in the dictionary.
Have you ever seen a man collecting snowstorms and these things?
That wasn't surely common in these days.
...when he was in Italy being charming to Wren officers... (page 13)
by the way: what meens "Wren officer"?
When I read this, my thoughts gone straightly to.. hmm, how should I say?
He's a gay wench.
Just now, while I write this, I think I simply haven't understand the joke. In this case "being charming" means "to suck up to the officers", right?
edit: I just find out my page numbers are different from yours.
ZitatOriginal von kahlan
Up to this point, I´m not sure if Mrs. Napiers husband really exists,
There is something wrong about Mr. Napier, I think, too. I'll quote later what I mean.
In the meantime I'll try to find out (thanks leo.org ), whether or not my first impression is right.
I don't dare to write about it, before I know exactly if my translation is right.
Nicht nur mit Fieber!
Gute Besserung, und verlauf dich nicht mit den Jo-h-anna's
*lach* BabyJane, so ging es mir auch. Ich hab die drei das ganze Buch hindurch verwechselt. Der Perspektivenwechsel tut sein übriges... wieso heissen die auch alle so ähnlich??
ich warte dann mal auf delphins rezi der originalausgabe, bevor ich einkaufen gehe.
Danke ihr zwei
Nun rutscht das Buch auf der Wunschliste wieder gaaanz weit nach oben.
Ich habs geschafft!
Die 2,95er-Kiste im Supermarkt konnte mich heute nur kurz aufhalten. Zum Glück waren die Bücher derart wüst durcheinander Turm-gestapelt, dass ein zweiter Blick, oder auch der Griff in die Tiefen der Kiste unweigerlich zur Buchlawine geführt hätte. Begraben wollte ich dann doch nicht werden *g* obwohl...
Jedenfalls hatte ich in meinem inoffiziell-buchkauffreien Februar bisher noch keinen Rückfall
Um dieses Buch schleiche ich bei amazon schon ewig herum.
Nachdem mich "Süden und die Frau mit dem harten Kleid" halbgelesen, weil nicht gemocht, verlassen hat, bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob mir die Schreibe des Autors gefällt.
Ich weiss nicht mehr so genau, hab das Buch vor Jaaaaahren als Teenie von meiner Patentante (!) bekommen und fand es grottenschlecht. (ich weiss, Geschmacksache )
Vielleicht ist es auch nur meine persönliche Definition von Nackenbeissern.
ZitatOriginal von Idgie
Dafür enthält zumindest der erste Band zuviele Nackenbeißerszenen.
Das wäre auch meine Beschreibung des Buches gewesen
Auch wenn "mein" Cover doch recht seriös daherkommt.
I'm glad to have the pig-pink-penguin edition from 1980
I think my book is different from yours, because I can't find a picture except the one from the coverfront. And there is definitively no animal.
three sections is ok imo, the chapters aren't so long to need more.