Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it glows!
All of the other reindeers
used to laugh and call him names
they never let poor rudolph
join in any reindeer-games!
Then one foggy christmas Eve
Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright
won't you led my sleigh tonight?
Then how the reindeers loved him
as they shouted out with glee:
"Rudolph, you red nosed reindeer,
you'll go down to history!"
Ist mein Lieblingsweihnachtslied!
Und nun noch was sarkastisches aus Bridget Jones:
Zur Weihnachtszeit jubeln die Kinder und die Glocken klingen
Die kalte Winterluft will durch die Mäntel dringen
Frohe Familien gehen zur Messe, wo sie heiter singen
Doch einen Single kann das zur Verzweiflung bringen.