Ich weiss nicht recht, wohin damit. Probieren wir's mal hier.
Wir kennen Mabel Maney aus ihren James-Bond-Parodien (erster Band hier). Sie hat allerdings auch Parodien auf andere kulturelle Urgesteine verfasst, z.B. auf Nancy Drew - in Deutschland weniger bekannt, aber wohl vergleichbar mit den "Fünf Freunden" von Enid Blyton.
Diesmal also spielen:
- Cherry Aimless, Krankenschwester, die in ihrem Beruf aufgeht, aber auch gern Amateurdetektivin spielt; zieht gern hübsche Kleider an
- Nancy Clue, bekannte Amateurdetektivin, von der sich Cherry Hilfe bei der Aufklärung ihres Falles verspricht, von der sie aber noch ganz was anderes kriegt
- Ein Kloster voller entführter Nonnen
- Midge und Velma, ein Frauenpaar mit Geheimnissen und viel Gefühl
- Jackie, Polizistin, mit vielen "girl scout"-Freundinnen bei der Polizei
- Lauren, 15jährige "tomboy", unerschrocken und clever
- eine geheimnisvolle Lana-Turner-Doppelgängerin
Die Booklist-Rezension bei Amazon:
In this artful, hilarious send-up of girls' fiction of the past, innocent, naive recent nursing school graduate Cherry Aimless is drawn into pursuing a "case" when a beautiful patient in her psych ward mysteriously disappears after a visit by a nun. Cherry seeks the aid of forthright, courageous Nancy Clue, whose attorney-father has lately been done in by his housekeeper of 30 years. What is the clue in the book the missing patient gave Cherry? What happened to the conventful of nuns, presumed kidnapped, from which the visiting sister came? Where is Aunt Gertrude? Will our heroines escape the midnight prowler? the ticking time-bomb? And then there's the murder: will goody-good Cherry and her chums triumph? You bet, but along the way guileless Cherry has many peculiar things happen to her, all made shriekingly funny by her inability to distinguish drag queens and dykes from ordinary mortals. Many a fan of the (Cherry) Ames and (Nancy) Drew series will be delighted by this wonderfully wry parody--and rewarded by a not-bad mystery, too.
Und statt einer langatmigen Meinung meinerseits hier eine Kostprobe:
Szene: Cherry, Nancy (the "titian-haired chum") und Lauren befinden sich auf Erkundungstour in den Klostergewölben. Die Zeit drängt - irgendwo tickt eine Bombe!
Cherry exclaimed over the unusual statues set into nooks in the wall.
"They are the ancient goddesses", Lauren explained, adding that she was studying mythology in school. "Why would a bunch of nuns have statues like these?" she wondered.
"No one's here", Cherry frowned. "But there are signs of life everywhere", she said, pointing to the clothing lying on the beds. Cherry was frankly scared. According to her watch, they had just twelve minutes left!
"Somewhere there's got to be a way through here", Cherry said, frantically passing her hands over the stone wall in a vain attempt to find loose stones that might indicate a secret entry.
Suddenly, she gasped in horror.
"Oh no!" Cherry cried. "I broke a nail!"
"Those nails have got to go", her titian-haired chum whispered. "I was going to talk to you about them later."
Ich sage nur: Lesen!!