The Cheerleader by Ruth Doan MacDougall

  • The Cheerleader
    by Ruth Doan MacDougall

    ISBN: 0966335201
    Seiten: 288
    Publisher: Frigate Books
    Preis: 12,50 Euro

    Über die Autorin
    Ruth Doan MacDougall was born on a chicken farm near Laconia, NH. After Dartmouth, her father, Daniel Doan, had taken up chicken farming, the idea being that he could both raise chickens and, in a makeshift office in an extra hen house, write stories. As he later joked, “I even thought the plan was sound!” The income wasn’t enough to support a family, and when Ruth was three years old the Doans moved into town, where Dan took a job at a manufacturing company.
    Although Dan gave up farming, he didn’t give up writing. Ruth remembers falling asleep each evening listening to what she later would call “a literary lullaby,” the sound of his typewriter as he wrote at night. By the time she was six, she had written her first story and knew that she too was a writer.

    Her work now includes eleven novels:

    THE LILTING HOUSE (Bobbs-Merrill)
    THE COST OF LIVING ( Putnam; Avon)
    ONE MINUS ONE (Putnam; Avon)
    THE CHEERLEADER (Putnam; Bantam; Frigate Books)
    WIFE AND MOTHER (Putnam; Avon)
    AUNT PLEASANTINE (Harper; Avon)
    THE FLOWERS OF THE FOREST (Atheneum; Berkley)
    SNOWY (St. Martin’s Press; Frigate Books)
    A WOMAN WHO LOVED LINDBERGH (Electronic edition, Frigate Books)
    HENRIETTA SNOW (Frigate Books)
    THE CHEERLEADER became a national best-seller in its Bantam paperback edition. It was a Book-of-the-Month Club selection, optioned by Twentieth Century-Fox, and made into an NBC sitcom pilot. Rereleased by Frigate Books, it is in its fourth printing.

    Beschreibung von amazon
    On the 25th anniversary of the publication of this national best-seller, The Cheerleader has been rereleased.

    Here is what it was like to grow up in the 1950s in the years of ponytails, pajama parties, and "parking," when to be popular was important and when, if you were a girl, being important meant being a cheerleader.

    Searchingly honest, achingly real, The Cheerleader is a bittersweet novel about the loss of innocence, the growth of passion, and the awakening of ambition. It recalls all the joy, excitement, and pain of crossing the bridge from childhood to young womanhood in the Fabulous Fifties, when sex was still a mystery and goals were clearly defined--perhaps for the last time.

    Meine Meinung
    Ein absolut tolles Buch!! Ich bin zwar (leider) nicht in den 50s aufgewachsen, aber genau so stelle ich es mir vor. Durch dieses Buch darf ich an dieser Dekade teil haben und mich hineinträumen zu den Drive-In's, Diner's, Ponytails, Petticoats etc.
    Hier wird speziell über das Heranwachsen der Mädchen Snowy und ihrer Freundinnen, Bev und Puddles, geschrieben. Sie lernen die Liebe und das Leben kennen mit allem, was dazu gehört: Hoffnung, Aufregung aber auch Enttäuschung - ach einfach alles, was ein junges Mädchen fühlt, wenn es verliebt ist.
    Und immer gehört die Angst, nicht ganz akzeptiert zu werden, ob bei den Cheerleadern oder den Jungs, dazu.
    Es gehört definitiv zu meinen Lieblingsbüchern und kann immer wieder gelesen werden.
