M.J. Pearson is back!
Einige Eulen erinnern sich sicher noch an The price of temptation - M.J. Pearson und die dazugehörige, von Batcat hervorragend organisierte Leserunde.
Nun gibt es einen neuen Roman dieser Autorin und uert, Uta und ich haben beschlossen, das Buch gemeinsam zu lesen. Wer sich beteiligen möchte, ist gerne eingeladen.
Dieses Mal spielt die Handlung zur Zeit des Prozesses um Oscar Wilde.
In London during the gross indecency trial of Oscar Wilde, Douglas Shrove finds himself still haunted by memories of his dead lover while skirting violence, blackmail and the affections of two men.
There are two who seek you out.
That is what the gypsy told Douglas Shrove a few months after the death of his lover. And the gypsy was right. Two men were vying for his affections.
Mark Goldcrest: an aristocrat like himself; a golden Adonis, cool and discreet.
Warren Scott: a shabbily-dressed denizen of a Bohemian world that Douglas can't begin to understand.
One is what he seems, and one is not, and one is dangerous.
But which is which? Both men are attractive and attracted to him...but only one has a dangerous secret.
One is what he seems, and one is not, and one is dangerous.
One of Douglas Shrove's admirers could be his salvation if the other doesn't destroy him first.
Ein bisschen enttäuscht bin ich ja vom Cover. Die Beule in der Hose fällt diesmal sehr diskret aus.