Starttermin: 23.8
001 -156 --> bis Ende 1. Buch (1)Kapitel 1-7(Unexpected)
157 - 266 (2)Kapitel 8(Waiting for the damn fight to start already)-12(Some people just don't grasp the concept of unwelcome)
267 - 384 --> bis Ende 2. Buch (3)Kapitel 13(Good thing I've got a strong stomach)-18(There are no words for this)
385 - 496 (4)Preface- 23(Memories)
497 - 601 (5)Kapitel 24(Surprise)-29(Defection)
602 - 695 (6)Kapitel 30(Irresistble)-34(Declared)
696 - 789 (7)Kapitel 35(Deadline)-Ende
- Camero
- jayjay
- Iszlá (Zaungast)
- Clare (Zaungast)
- Nordstern
- Anahid
- Capricon
- Kytha
- Black Perl
- merveille
- ballerina
- sollhaben (Zaungast)
- Diskordia
- arashi93
- Shadow91
- LilaBlassBlau
- bibliocat