Roger the Chapman
Die letzte Rast (Death and the Chapman)
Gefährliche Botschaft (The Plymouth Cloak)
Der zerrissene Faden (The hanged Man bzw. The Weaver’s Tale)
Fromme Unschuld (The Holy Innocents)
Das alte Lied (The Eve of St. Hyacnth)
Der verhängnisvolle Winter (The Wicked Winter)
(The Brothers of Glastonbury)
(The Weaver’s Inheritance)
(The St. John’s Fern)
(The Goldsmith’s Daughter)
(The Lammas Feast)
(Nine Men Dancing)
(The Midsummer Rose)
(The Burgundian’s Tale)
(The Prodigal Son)
(The three Kings of Cologne)
(The green Man)