Paul Temple
(Send for Paul Temple)
Paul Temple und die Schlagzeilenmänner (Paul Temple and the Front Page Men)
(News of Paul Temple)
(Paul Temple Intervenes)
Paul Temple jagt Rex (Send for Paul Temple again)
Vier mussten sterben (The Tyler Mystery)
Die Brille (East Of Algiers)
Paul Temple, Der Fall Kelby (Paul Temple and the Kelby Affair)
Paul Temple, Banküberfall in Harkdale (Paul Temple and the Harkdale Robbery)
Zu jung zum Sterben (The Geneva mystery)
Keiner kennt Curzon (The Curzon case)
Der Hehler (Paul Temple and the Margo mystery)
Paul Temple und der Fall Madison (Paul Temple and the Madison Case)
(Paul Temple and the Conrad Case)
Tim Frazer
Tim Frazer (The World of Tim Frazer)
Tim Frazer und der Fall Salinger (Tim Frazer again)
Tim Frazer weiß Bescheid (Tim Frazer gets the message)