"Hailed by Newsweek as »a superb and humane social critic« with, according to The Wall Street Journal, »all the true instincts of a major novelist,« Jay McInerney unveils a story of love, family, conflicting desires, and catastrophic loss in his most powerfully searing work thus far.
Clinging to a semiprecarious existence in TriBeCa, Corrine and Russell Calloway have survived a separation and are thoroughly wonderstruck by young twins whose provenance is nothing less than miraculous, even as they contend with the faded promise of a marriage tinged with suspicion and deceit. Meanwhile, several miles uptown and perched near the top of the Upper East Side’s social register, Luke McGavock has postponed his accumulation of wealth in an attempt to recover the sense of purpose now lacking in a life that often gives him pause—especially with regard to his teenage daughter, whose wanton extravagance bears a horrifying resemblance to her mother’s. But on a September morning, brightness falls horribly from the sky, and people worlds apart suddenly find themselves working side by side at the devastated site, feeling lost anywhere else, yet battered still by memory and regret, by fresh disappointment and unimaginable shock. What happens, or should happen, when life stops us in our tracks, or our own choices do? What if both secrets and secret needs, long guarded steadfastly, are finally revealed? What is the good life?
Posed with astonishing understanding and compassion, these questions power a novel rich with characters and events, both comic and harrowing, revelatory about not only New York after the attacks but also the toll taken on those lucky enough to have survived them. Wise, surprising, and, ultimately, heart-stoppingly redemptive, The Good Life captures lives that allow us to see–through personal, social, and moral complexity–more clearly into the heart of things."
Über den Autor:
Jay McInerney ist 1955 in Hartford/Connecticut geboren, wächst in London, Vancouver, Tokio und
New York auf.
Weitere Bücher von Jay McInerney:
Bright Light, Big Citys, Story of my life, Brightness falls, Ransom, Last of the savages, Model Behaviours, How it ended
Eigene Meinung:
Das meiner Meinung nach bisher beste Buch zum Ground Zero von New York,neben Jonathan Safran Foer´s „Extrem laut und unglaublich nah“
Der Kultautor aus New York City Jay McInerney schreibt in diesem 2006 erschienen Buch in einem besonders gelungenen Stil über die Geschehnisse vor und nach dem 11.09.2001 und über amerikanische Paare.
Anhand zweier Familien werden detailliert das Leben in Manhattan, (z.B. TriBeCa und Financial Distrikt) beschrieben.
Der Stil ist etwas anders geworden seit dem Debütroman Bright light, Big Citys, deutsch „ein starker Abgang“, verfilmt mit Michael J. Fox als „Die grellen Lichter der Großstadt“
Die Charaktere sind glaubwürdig und realistisch geschildert.
Empfehlenswert für Leser, die die aktuelle amerikanische Literatur mögen.
Hoffentlich wird das Buch auch in Deutsch übersetzt.
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ASIN/ISBN: 3462039180 |