I see a garden in my head - Phuong Huynh

  • Kurzbeschreibung:

    "I See a Garden in My Head" is a collection of poems by a highly-skilled and passionate poetry writer, Phuong Huynh, who expertly twists and tangles raw emotions with beautiful lyric poetry.

    Über die Autorin:

    Phuong Huynh is a Saigonese poetess, creative writer, and ESL Teacher who is infinitely passionate about poetry’s innate power to heal and instill hope. While her poems cover poignant topics like loss and grief, she makes sure to infuse her free-spirited energy into everything she writes.

    Ever since she was a child growing up in Ho Chi Minh city, Phuong has been deeply passionate about the art of writing and all it entails. Ultimately, that passion led her to obtain two degrees (a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and a Master of Education in TESOL), starting a creative writing career in multiple fields, and releasing her debut poetry book.

    When she isn’t pouring her heart onto the page, you can find this avid adventurer hanging out with her best friend in dog form, playing the keyboard, working out, or learning new things. To find out more about Phuong Huynh both personally and poetically, make sure to visit her official website at http://www.phuynhauthor.com.

    Mein Eindruck:

    Es handelt sich um chapbook mit gefühlvollen Gedichten.

    Die Gedichte sind verschiedenen Topics zugeordnet wie

    Daytime silence, Nightime Sirens

    There is an end in Friends

    We Dyed the roses

    Between worlds


    Lyrik aus Saigon ist für mich als deutscher Leser selten zu bekommen. Auf typisch vietnamesische Bezüge wird aber weitgehend verzichtet. Stattdessen erfährt man von den Gefühlen einer jungen Frau in verschiedenen emotionalen Stadien.

    Nicht alles erreicht mich ganz, aber einige gute Momente bleiben hängen.